Thursday, March 19, 2015

Famous lost words

My youngest daughter must reed several books for school. She likes reading so, no problem so far. Her teacher told her she must read some 'real' literature. No Chicklit, no Young Adult or other fancy fiction. So, like real shopaholics (sorry, no Kinsella either!), we went into town to buy some real literature. The heavy stuff. The words written by famous writers like Hemingway, Salinger and..."Excuse me?" the lady in the shop interrupted. "Who are those guys?". 
Alright, we've made that clear. Nothing 'real' available in the bookshop anymore. Yes, sure, Roald Dahl's Mathilda was there, but any titles like Kiss Kiss or Switch Bitch...not to be found. Power and the glory? On the beach? Catcher in the rye? "Excuse me? Are those movies?"

Onward to the library. The house of words. Well, plenty of words, but Hemingway? Nevil Shute? I decided to have a look at the Dutch titles. All the books compulsary in my student time were no longer available. 
Wh-r- did all th-  w-rds g-?
What h-pp-n-d? 
L st w rds?
G n .

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