Sure, whenever there's big money involved, I am the last to know. Turns out I've completely missed the sneaker mania. People have been collecting these limited editions for years. Not to wear the darned shoes but to stack them into their house. Boxes are piled up, waiting for new customers. Big business, as some of these collector's items are worth $ 24.500,- a pair. (Hey, look on the bright side. At least it is a pair!)
Question is when this madness will stop. According to dealers there is no end to the popularity of sneakers. (Nobody learned anything from internet bubbles and tulipmania yet?)
Well, those boots may be made for walking; these sneakers are made for investment.
[Sorry, couldn't resist it... made this skredch upon the cover of ECCO's shoe magazine...] Original artwork (approx. 22x29cm): plaster and acrylics on cover magazine: