Sunday, September 21, 2014


While working out a small sculpture, based upon yesterdays entry, I reminded the Second Life logo: a hand with an eye. Hands are used since mankind started to express creativity. The legacy of the founding fathers includes many grottos filled with exciting, ancient wallpaintings, including lots of ancestral hands.

Now that we are exploring the virtual world, a simple hand is not enough. We are supposed to transform ourselves into new lifeforms. Our alter egos are reshaped into "avatars" and other exotic creatures. The replacement people are buying and reselling non existing materials, even pieces of land, thus becoming an interesting target for marketeers, business men and politicians. 'Go west young man', is no longer the expression. Everyone is rushing into the virtual space where anything is possible. If people buy stuff they cannot touch. I thought, they might as well buy perfume they cannot smell. So...opening soon: my own perfume shop in the virtual world.

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